Welcome to Darnley Montgomery Foundation Inc.

The Foundation was established, in 2018, in honour of the late Darnley Montgomery, a long term sufferer of Parkinson’s Disease and active member of the Parkinson’s Victoria’s Shepparton Peer Support Group. The foundation’s purpose is primarily to act as a means of directing funds, generously donated by community organisations, to projects, at a local level, benefiting the care of and facilities available to persons with Movement Disorders.

Find out more about what we do…


During 2022, we ran our first set of workshops and we received great feedback from those who participated.  Due to the feedback we received, we have decided to run the workshops again during 2023.  This year, however, we will be running the series twice.  The first 6 week series will commence on  Tuesday 2nd May 2023 and the second is scheduled to commence on Tuesday 3 October 2023 (Date is to be confirmed).  If you are interested in attending any of these workshops, or have queries, please email denice@dmfinc.org or phone 0407 848 508 and we’ll forward a registration application to you.   Below is a copy of our flyer for your information. 

Training Opportunities

Our Purpose

To create awareness, to provide and promote the best possible care and support for people with Parkinson’s and related neurological conditions.


Shepparton Parkinson’s Victoria Peer Support Group meets 1pm, 2nd Tuesday of the month at Legacy House, Edward St, Shepparton

GV Essential Tremor Support Group meets 10am, 2nd Tuesday of the month (Feb to Nov) at Shepparton Library’s All Purpose Room, Marungi  St, Shepparton